Intercessory Training Class (ITC 101)

Elohim is calling for Intercessors from every corner of the Earth!

The time has come for Intercessors to be trained to use their weapons and gifts properly to edify the Body of Messiah (Christ). Right now is a critical hour when Intercessors must learn how to birth out a kingdom mindset in the Body of Messiah (Christ) and how to live as priests according to the pattern in Heaven. The Intercessory Training Class (ITC 101) is recommended to every person who has felt the burden of prayer or wants a deeper consecration with Elohim through a phenomenal transformation of an increased, anointed, and powerful prayer life.

The Leaders carry an unproportioned burden that the Intercessors are supposed to take some of the load from them. Because Intercessors have not been trained, they are usually in one corner praying and seeing things spiritually cannot explain; they go to the Pastor, and what happens is a communication and understanding breakdown. The courses offered through Prayer Fast Yeshiva Intl will cultivate a supportive relationship between Leaders and Intercessors that will build ministries and advance the vision.


The classroom and hands-on application of the Intercessory Training (ITC) program can be applied in various forms within the Christian ministry, Servanthood, and Leadership. Each student will strengthen their study of the Bible with emphasis from the Hebraic perspective while being equipped to engage as a trained Intercessor on behalf of the Body of Messiah (Christ) and an official gatekeeper.

Students who complete the Intercessory Training Class courses are good candidates to serve in various areas of service in their local church or ministry as Armor Bearers, Personal Pastoral Intercessors, or Intercessory Ministry Leaders.

Upon successful completion of this course of study, graduates will earn a Certificate of Ordination In Intercession and should gain the following skills:

  • An understanding of the fundamental uses of prayer and Intercession from a Hebraic perspective
  • Knowledge in various forms and types of Intercession
  • An understanding that the role of the Levitical Priesthood is a pattern of Intercession
  • Knowledge of the Biblical principles of Spiritual Warfare and the role of Intercessors
  • An ability to support Pastors and other Leaders through effective Intercession

The exploration of this course involves the following components:

  • What is an Intercessor?
  • The Significance of Being Trained
  • You Are an Intercession
  • Diverse Types of Intercession
  • Birthing the Vision of Your Pastor or Leader
  • Shifting Your Family, Home, and Relationships Through Intercession
  • The Gates of an Intercessor
  • The Birthing of the Priesthood
  • Priestly Garments
  • Consecration of a Priest
  • Blemishes
  • False Priesthood
  • Different Types of Offerings
  • Offering Instructions
  • Trespass Offering

ITC 101 is a prerequisite for ITC Applied and Advanced Studies

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