Founder & Chancellor

Dr. Khannah Josué (Elias)

Decorative image of Dr. Khannah JosueDr. Khannah Josué (Elias) is the Founder and Chancellor of Prayer Fast Yeshiva International, "A University of Higher Learning," the Congregational Leader of Beit Midrash (House of Study), a Prophetic Messianic Congregation, and CEO of YAFA, a Natural Health and Beauty Line of Dead Sea Products from Israel.

In addition to being a certified Life Skills Trainer, Dr. Josué is a certified Life and Business Etiquette Coach and founding partner of the John C. Maxwell Team. She continues to add value to herself by being mentored through the John Maxwell Mentorship Program and as a protégé of Dr. Cindy Trimm of Trimm International. Dr. Josué is also a recognized International Speaker, Teacher, and Author who effectively communicates the importance of living life to the fullest measure across both religious and secular arenas. As spiritual covering and connections, Dr. Josué maintains honored relationships with her spiritual parents, Bishop Donald F. Clarke Sr. and Dr. Helga Clarke of Harvest Fire Worship Center in Florida; mentor Apostle Keenan Burgess in Texas; and her prophetic father, Prophet Lovy Elias of Revelation Church in California.

Rabbinic: Dr. Josué is an ordained rabbi by Semikhah. In November 2008, she was immersed in a mikvah, a rabbinic baptism, at the Jordan River in Israel. Dr. Josué continues her rabbinic studies at a Messianic Jewish Yeshiva.

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